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Media articles and interviews

Prior to Council, I spoke out about the Council's lack of consultation with the community over the change to rates and the millions of dollars being spent from reserves.

Standing up for seniors, unfairly impacted by the change in rates.

Council refused to acknowledge the impact of the rate change on seniors. I attempted to bring changes into the rating process but I was unable to obtain support for those changes.

I was the only one that spoke out about the lack of process and transparency!
Your Council didn't tender or follow due process when pursuing the contract for the multi storey car park.

After speaking out about some of the issues in the Council, three elected members and two staff lodged complaints with the Local Government Disciplinary Tribunal against me. All 5 claims were rejected.

Concern over the multi-storey car park contract's lack of "Subject to Finance" clause and relying on parking meters to pay for it.

Official Manager appointed to deal with the the multi storey car park contract and multiple other issues.

Being stood down by the Minister was the right decision for Palmerston.

Listen to what I had to say about the Minister dismissing the Council.

Read the Investigator's Report

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